DDDSW 4 - StyleCop: Breaking down the barriers to entry

Published on 28 May 2012

My StyleCop Talk at DDDSW 4

On Saturday 26th May 2012, I did my first ever DDD talk, entitled “StyleCop: Breaking down the barriers to entry”.  If you attended the session, and are interested in seeing either the slide deck, or the source code for the presentation, you can find the information below.  If you did attend, let me just say thank you very much, and I very much hope you enjoyed it!

The Code

The demonstrations that I did during the presentation, with the exception of the “real world” example, can be found on my GitHub account here.  In Demo 5b, the source code for StyleCop Contrib was a copy of the code which you can find here, and it was duplicated solely for demonstration purposes.

The Slides

If you are interested in seeing the slides from the talk, you can find them displayed below, and also they are available as a download by clicking through to the slideshare site.

StyleCop breaking down the barriers to entry from Gary Park


Since this was my first talk at an event the size of DDDSW, I am very anxious to get some feedback about what I did wrong, what I did right, what could be improved upon etc, so if you were at my session, and have any comments, I would be very grateful to hear them.

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