Registration for #DDDSW is now open

Published on 10 April 2012

DDDSW Registration is now open

 In case you haven’t heard, the registration for DDD South West (DDDSW) is now open.  You can find the Event Registration page here (you will need to login/register first).

This is the fourth outing for this conference, and if it is anything like last year, it will definitely be worth attending.  There are a couple very nice features to DDDSW which makes it very appealing.  The first is the “Getting Started" with .Net” track.  If you are new to .Net, then this is the perfect place to get started.  And the second if the “Repeat” track.  Once all the speakers are confirmed, voting opens on the most popular talks, and they are scheduled to be shown at another time during the day.  This is a great help, as there are normally always two things on at the same time, and with this approach, it means that you will hopefully be able to see both.  For the full agenda, take a look here.

I am doing a talk

One surprising (at least to me) twist to the story of DDDSW is that I am going to be doing a session!  I have been debating for a long time now about whether I should submit a session to a DDD event.  With a little gentle nudging from Guy Smith-Ferrier, I decided to take the plunge.  The sessions that I submitted can be seen here.  The one that actually got picked is “StyleCop – Breaking down the barriers to entry”.  The abstract for this talk is:

Starting with a brief introduction to what StyleCop is, and what it can be used for, we will then apply StyleCop directly to a real world application.  Then we will investigate:

  • What breaks?
  • What doesn’t work?
  • What techniques we can use to correct StyleCop warnings/errors, and ignore them completely?
  • What tools can be used to speed up refactoring for StyleCop warnings/errors?

I have done this talk before at the Aberdeen Developers .Net User Group, and I am looking forward to doing it again, there have been a couple releases of StyleCop since I did the talk, and a couple extra features have made their way into the product.

Mobile application

Last year at DDDSW there was a Windows Phone 7 Application (you can see it here) that proved to be very helpful on the day for looking up session information.  The Mobile Application(s) for DDDSW 4 haven’t been released yet, but I have it on good authority that they are in the works, so I would advice you to keep an eye out for them.  I will update this post once I know exactly where it is, and how you can get your hands on it.

Helping out

In the same way as last year, I have volunteered to help out at this years DDDSW.  Since I am going to be doing a talk, I don’t know exactly what this will mean, as I might not be in the right frame of mind to help out (depending on how many boo’s from the crowd I get) but I am sure that Guy Smith-Ferrier (@GuySmithFerrier) will keep me right.

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