GitReleaseManager Release 0.8.0

Published on 30 December 2018

I am very happy to announce the 0.8.0 Release of the GitReleaseManager. This is an important release as it brings with it a .Net Global Tool version of the tool. Now, you can install it using:

dotnet tool install GitReleaseManager.Tool -g


You can now install GitReleaseManager on Windows as follows:

GitReleaseManager Windows Install

And also on Mac as the following:

GitReleaseManager Mac Install

In addition, it is still possible to install GitReleaseManager using Chocolatey with the command:

choco install gitreleasemanager.portable

Update Labels

In addition to the .Net Global Tool, another feature was added to GitReleaseManager. It is now possible to update a GitHub Repository with a pre-defined set of labels. In this release, that pre-defined list is hard-coded into GitReleaseManager, however, in a future release, it will be possible to provide a file with the labels to use.

Why is this needed?

While a new GitHub repository comes with a set of existing labels:

GitHub Default Labels

These are not quite to my liking, and everytime I created a new Repository, I found I had to change them. This ultimately resulted in a script which I would run to change them. I then decided that this would make a sensible addition to GitReleaseManager. As a result, you can now run the following command:

gitreleasemanager.exe label -o cake-contrib -r Cake.Twitter -u bob -p password

To update the set of labels on the repository to the following:

GitReleaseManager Labels

NOTE: This is a destructive operation, in the sense that it will delete all the existing labels on your repository.


I have to say a huge thank you to Artur (@arturcic) who worked on this release, and who was responsible for the creation of the .Net Global Tool. Thank you!

Release Information

Release notes for all GitReleaseManager releases can be found on the GitHub Repository Release Page but the specific additions for the 0.8.0 release are shown below:


  • #120 URL parts incorrectly identifies the user and repository parts
  • #119 Correct issue with casing of label name


  • #124 Add support for adding default labels to issues on a repository
  • #117 Add Token option for CLI as alternative to user/password
  • #116 Add GitReleaseManager as Global Tool


  • #121 Include link to closed issues in milestone link
  • #115 Switch to new csproj format
  • #110 Update project NuGet packages
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